in the kitchen

Gut Health

By / Photography By | February 08, 2021
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With the start of a new year many of us choose health-related goals around weight loss and fitness. These are terrific—and perhaps a brilliant addition would be to finally conquer that bloated feeling after we eat!

The increase in our daily stress levels has a direct impact on our ability to properly digest food. Rushed eating without proper chewing, coupled with the abundance of processed and takeout food, has decreased our ability to break down and absorb nutrients, leading to an American epidemic of being overfed and undernourished. Although diabetes represents the costliest disease, currently affecting an estimated 34 million Americans, twice that many are struggling with gastrointestinal diseases. Celiac disease and gluten sensitivities have many of us, including me, looking for delicious alternatives.

In many cases we gobble our food with one hand while we drive or work at our computers. Eating quickly without chewing is one fundamental reason we do not feel well after eating; another is the food we eat. The most common gut irritants are everywhere, including gluten, dairy, processed foods, and sugar. Going gluten free was a challenge for me initially, and I did not bake for nearly two years, until I figured it out. A new year presents the perfect opportunity to explore tasty alternatives.

Here are a few simple, delicious recipe alternatives that offer healing wisdom. Organic bone broth is a perfect addition in the quest of nourishing the gut lining with healing, bioavailable nutrients. Enjoying a classic family favorite such as this lasagna, which is both gluten-free and vegan, and exploring the dense plant-based protein sources of sprouted lentils in a delicious farm-fresh soup delivers easy-to-digest protein and fires the digestive strength!

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