at the table


By / Photography By | October 17, 2018
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We are taught from an early age that the tongue can detect four flavors: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. The Japanese, however, teach about a fifth flavor called umami, which has been widely accepted by the western culinary community. Umami refers to a savory, meaty flavor best represented by steaks, parmesan cheese, and—perhaps one of the best examples of the umami flavor—the cooked mushroom.

When looking for mushrooms to complete your perfect dish, don’t automatically rush to the grocery store, but instead consider taking a walk through one of Sarasota’s many wooded parks. Small puffball mushrooms, boletes, and chanterelles are available for foraging throughout our rainy season, and are not deterred by our hot summer and fall weather.

Chanterelles are the easiest and safest to forage. Found under oak trees in heavily shaded areas, the chanterelles’ marigold color and trumpet shape makes them easily identifiable. Their specific flavor profile adds a nutty component to any dish that calls for mushrooms. The joy of cooking a mushroom that your have foraged yourself will only be enhanced by memories of your walk through one of Sarasota County’s many beautiful preserves.

** Caution: When foraging for mushrooms, take along an experienced forager until you are comfortable identifying edible fungi from poisonous ones. If you aren’t absolutely certain it’s safe, don’t eat it.

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