Worth the Trip

Quality, Innovation and Culture at JDubs Brewing Company

By / Photography By | July 24, 2014
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Signage at JDubs
Signage at JDubs

“Life’s too short to not enjoy beer,” says Tom Harris, head brewer at JDubs over a smoked porter that tastes like everything that is right in this world. His T-shirt-worthy sentiment doesn’t quite define the depth of his passion or his ability to not just enjoy beer but to make downright enjoyable beer for their patrons.

Jeremy Joerger- Founder/ CEO JDubs
Photo 1: Jeremy Joerger- Founder/ CEO JDubs
Photo 2: Brewer Chris Lexow tasting a new batch at JDubs

“The three cornerstones of our philosophy,” he says after I prompt this kind and reserved man with a series of questions about what made JDubs an overnight success, “is quality, innovation and culture. We never skimp on making creative beers that will help put Florida breweries on the map.”

And creative they’ve got cornered. New tastes and techniques are always in rotation as Tom and the owner, Jeremy, work to create the city’s most flavorful brews.

There’s a great vibe at JDubs as folks sit sipping the flagship Uptop IPA, eyeballing the dog-friendly brew garden outside, replete with cornhole and Connect Four games, while scents of cheesy, hearty goodness waft in from the food truck parked right outside.

Find it

1215 Mango Ave

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